I know it's been a long time since I updated this blog(almost 2/1/2 years to be exact). Yet a lot has changed since then.
For starters, I am no longer a citizen of Maryland but one of Florida.
Since the move to the "Sunshine State", few things have changed except for: the house I live in is much bigger than the last one, I get to live in perpetually sunny weather all the time,(certain members of my family have begun moving down here as a result of my moving here),and I have recently joined Twitter and I have more friends on Facebook now than I did before. One in particular is a spunky, smart, goal-oriented and (beneath her crude and somewhat lewd reviewer persona) lovely little spitfire of a girl of whom I'll call "Vixen" who apparently shares the same dream that I do: To make our way into the video game industry and become successful at what we do best whatever that may be. Another person that I have the great pleasure of meeting is a very charming and loving woman that I'll call "Ginny".
What's so special about this woman you may ask?
For one thing, She actually CARES about people in my condition: (read people who have disabilities and want to live independently) She has been very instrumental in wanting to make that part of my life a reality and still continues to do so today and she has also been a very good friend to me as well.
I also have a new wheelchair(or at at least a reasonable replacement until my electric one is brought out of storage)
The community I live in is very different, too. It's peaceful, quiet and mostof the people are cool, calm, collected and overall generally nice bunch of folks. Yes sir, It's a great to live here(at least until I can get my own place in another much more fun part of Florida.)
Well, that's all for now, at least. Until next time... or whenever I have the chance to update this blog again. =)
Oh, did I mention that I was just accepted into a place called Full Sail University? I can now take classes online there, once I get enrolled that is. I'm also writing a script for the first time, too
Take care and ( if I may quote someone you probably know) "Don't take life too seriously, You'll never make it out alive."